Apache tomcat 8 and svn
Apache tomcat 8 and svn

String found in binary or memory: urceforge. String found in binary or memory: bugdatabas e/view_bug. String found in binary or memory: gs. m/b/opensp ecificatio n/archive/ 7 /encryptio n-type-sel ection-in- kerberos-e String found in binary or memory: dap.source / wiki/doku. String found in binary or memory: de veloped by Twitter a nd Netty. Source: C:\Program Files (x8 6)\Apache Software F oundation\ Tomcat 8.5 \bin\Tomca t8.exeĬode function: 4_2_000C2E 60 lstrlen A,lstrlenA ,lstrlenA, lstrcatA,l strcpyA,ls trcatA,lst rcatA,lstr catA,lstrl enA,FindFi rstFileA,F indClose,F indNextFil eA,FindNex tFileA,Fin dClose,Ĭode function: 14_2_002E2 E60 lstrle nA,lstrlen A,lstrlenA ,lstrcatA, lstrcpyA,l strcatA,ls trcatA,lst rcatA,lstr lenA,FindF irstFileA, FindClose, FindNextFi leA,FindNe xtFileA,Fi ndClose,įound strings which match to known social media urls 34.exeĬode function: 0_2_004026 FE FindFir stFileA,Ĭode function: 0_2_004058 9C CloseHa ndle,GetTe mpPathA,De leteFileA, lstrcatA,l strcatA,ls trlenA,Fin dFirstFile A,FindNext FileA,Find Close,Ĭode function: 0_2_004063 D7 FindFir stFileA,Fi ndClose, Source: C:\Users\u ser\Deskto p\apache-t omcat-8.5.

apache tomcat 8 and svn

Exfiltration Over Command and Control ChannelĬontains functionality to enumerate / list files inside a directory

Apache tomcat 8 and svn